Pokemon Ds Rom Hacks 2018
List of Complete Pokemon Rom Hacks
ROM Hacker Lv. 2 Awarded to ROM hackers who have provided beta releases or final versions of their hack. ROM Hacker Lv. 3 Awarded to ROM hackers who have gone above and beyond the call of duty just making and releasing a hack. Artist Awarded to spriters and concept artists who have produced artwork for ROM hacks. Out of all 300 plus Pokemon GBA (Gameboy Advance) rom hacks that are in Alpha, Beta, or completed, I have compiled a list of the top 20 best. And graphics fit together almost perfectly. So good, that developers are working hard on a remake for the Nintendo DS. A must play, if you are interested in checking a few GBA hacks out, make sure you. Top 5 Best Pokemon NDS Rom Hacks (2018) Visit Our Site For More Rom Hacks Download Links. Pokemon FireRed DS Author: Chaos Rush & Team Plasma’s King.
Please help improve this list! If you know of a completed game (or one that has at least 7 gyms) that isn't listed or if there is a hack that doesn't belong here, please let me know in the comments.
There are a few hacks that aren't complete but have significant progress, so I've added them as well.
Improvement type hacks (that don't change the story) are on this list.
Pokemon Rom Hacks Nintendo Ds
Download Patched Pokemon Omega Red Rom
Version: v2.3
Pokemon Black Rom
Updated: January 15, 2019
Name: Pokemon Omega Red
Type: GBA

Hack of: FireRed
Language: English
Creator: Jolt Steven
An quality of life improvement hack of Pokemon FireRed. Intel pentium dual-core e5400.
- Improved outdoor graphics
- All 807 Pokémon
- All Alola forms
- All Mega evolutions
- DS styled overworld sprites
- Moves from Gen 4 and 5
- Fairy-type
- Physical / Special split
- Day and night system
- Capture experience system
- Capture all the Legendary Pokémon
- Reusable TMs